Saturday, July 4, 2009


how many reasons are there that universal healthcare in the US is too expensive to implement? i figure theres 2. theres the reality, and then theres fucktards that like to ignore reality.

lets start with reason number fucktard. universal healthcare doesnt work because its anti-capitalism! uh, yeah, no shit, thats why itll work better. who the fuck is out there thinking the current form of healthcare in the US (ehem...privatized) is actually working? by a show of hands, how many people believe there is competition between corporations? careful, trick question. there is none. commercials are a powerful tool: they create the illusion that there is competition. they want your business, so its their job to make it seem like theyre competing for you while actually doing nothing. pretty good way to save money. privatized healthcare is the same as any other form of insurance. the goal is to take in as much money as possible and spend as little as possible. seriously, youre surprised? its a fucking business, thats what its supposed to do.

now, for reason number reality. universal healthcare is too expensive because americans are fat, unhealthy slobs who blend their whoppers and fries with an oreo pizza and drink it through a big ass straw. oh, dont forget the quad stacker. how come when we give people the freedom to choose, they choose shit (then blend and drink it)? the government cant easily afford universal healthcare because everyone gets a fucking heart attack every other week. universal healthcare not working HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CAPITALISM. if everyone stopped eating shit and started acting like responsible human beings, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer rates (to name a fucking few) would plummet. healthcare rates would plummet and the government would be able to help its goddamn people. AND IT WOULDNT COST TOO MUCH BECAUSE COMPANIES WOULD HAVE TO COMPETE WITH GOVERNMENT HEALTHCARE, AND THE GOVERNMENT COULD PROVIDE SUFFICIENT HEALTHCARE TO THE POINT WHERE THE VAST MAJORITY OF PEOPLE WOULDNT NEED SUPPLIMENTAL PRIVATE HEALTHCARE.

in other words, stop whining and start helping yourselves for a change. because until you do, our healthcare system is fucked, and civilization is next.

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